Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Misc. Stuff

Melissa pointed out that I haven't done any updating in a while. The reason? I've been super busy and not all that motivated to sit at a computer at night after I've spent all day at one. But I do have lots of pictures to post and some things I really want to share...so hopefully I'll get some time this weekend to do some posting about the pudding fight and summer camp...etc.

In the meantime...Here are some fun pictures to keep you busy :-)
Lindsey (my wonderful roommate from college) and her family (my second family!) were in town the whole time I was up at camp (BUMMER)...but I did get to hang out with them on Sunday morning. It was so nice to be able to share my camp stories with Linds in person instead of over the phone!
Sunday afternoon, Jill and I were looking especially cute and were inspired by one of the campers who had actually managed to take a picture where we both looked good...so we tried and here's what we ended up with...not bad considering how pictures of the two of us usually turn out!

I love this picture of Jill...it cracks me up! Yes, she was actually talking to someone :-)
I'm pretty proud of this picture...and Jill looks so pretty!
Here's me posing for Jill...

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

so cute !! I love it when you post to your blog ... more more more !!!